Our Mission:

Farm 359 is committed to nourishing our environment and community through education, events and food accessibility while demonstrating sound land stewardship through regenerative techniques. By providing sustainably produced products, produce and experiences, we strive to ensure Farm 359 serves as an integral part of the Littleton community; a dynamic space that is inclusive to all. 

Regenerative Agriculture

An Indigenous approach, regenerative agriculture is a centuries-old systems-based, holistic method seeking to farm in harmony with nature. Prioritizing soil health, biodiversity, continuous innovation and social fairness, regenerative agriculture seeks to not only maintain but to improve resources and systems associated with and connected to the farm operation.

From the soil, plant material, native species and farmers working the land, regenerative agriculture aims to create a high quality farm system that is beneficial and equitable for all components involved.

No-Till Farming

  • Minimizes physical soil disturbances

  • Increases water retention

  • Fosters a diverse and vibrant soil microbe

Promote BiodiversitY

  • Diversity of crops lends itself to diversity among microorganisms within the soil structure as well as organisms interacting with the crops themselves

  • Contributes to resilient natural ecosystems

Diverse Crop rotation

  • Variety of root structures, plant outputs and organic matter strengthens soil structure and overall health


Meet the Farm


Barry, Sweetie & Peggy
