Woodland Giants

Forest pre-k

Our mission is to provide an engaging, expansive and nurturing space for children to play, connect and grow in a natural and authentic learning space.

This program provides opportunities for kids to immerse themselves in an enriching, and accessible setting, one that is 90% outdoors and children are encouraged to explore, question, gather, collaborate and take risks while developing, celebrating and sharing their capabilities and skills. 

We cherish the seasons and the distinctive changes they unveil each year. Committing to working in and engaging with the outdoors year round helps develop a sense of self, a sense of belonging to a broader community and propagates environmental stewardship.

Playing in natural spaces supports a child’s sense of self and develops their connectedness to the natural world. Outdoor learning can also improve a child’s physical, emotional and mental well-being, as well as develop their creativity, problem solving, independence and confidence.

April 22 - may 29

September 3 - June 13

M/T/W/F 830am - 1230pm

Monthly RATES

One Day/Week


Please include your child’s age (3-5) and how many days a week you are looking to sign up for

Four Days/Week


Two Days/Week


Three Days/Week


Core elements of Forest Kindergarten (in cohesion with the American Forest Kindergarten Association) 

* All weather nature immersion time, every day

We love celebrating the seasons and the changes and lessons they demonstrate. This helps foster a strong connection with the self, others and natural world. 

*Child-led Flow Learning

Utilizing the four tenets of flow learning: awaken enthusiasm, offer direct experience, focus attention, and share inspiration provides a balance of structure and flexibility in learning.

*Inquiry based teaching style

Triggering curiosity for the kids and maintaining an open, supportive environment for them to ask questions as they move through the space and their experiences. Heavy emphasis is placed on making real world connections through consistent observations and discussions. 

*Child-inspired emergent curriculum

Activities are based off the current group of children and their skills, needs and interests. While the core tenants remain, lessons and days can shift depending on the group makeup.  

*Place-based education

Using the local environment, history and larger community as our starting point while providing a space for children to contribute to their surroundings improves children’s abilities to make real world connections, think critically and visualize their impact in community circles.

*Small class sizes 

We are committed to keeping a 6:1 ratio to maximize child engagement and group cohesion.